Critical Tom

Gardening Woes

I’ve been wanting to eat more roasted vegetables, because 1. they’re delicious, 2. they’re cheaper than meat, and 3. they’re supposedly good for you (or so my Mom claims).


Luckily, since my girlfriend and I had sowed an awesome garden, it wasn’t going to take too long until I’d be roasting all the free vegetables I could gather.


Unfortunately, some little devilish creature who only comes out at night has ravaged my broccoli plant as well as my collard greens.  I’m pissed because it’s never around when I am, so I can’t find it and destroy it.  I assume it’s some sort of caterpillar or slug, since it’s eaten the leaves only.


Anyways, my point is that I hated insects before and BREAKING NEWS: CHYRON UPDATE SCROLLS BY: I STILL FUCKING DO!


So you can take your report, U.N., and shove it.  My first-world ass isn’t eating any damn insects, even if it will help world hunger.  I refuse to admit insects are a vital part of the food chain, and am going to continue to consider them a persona non grata, enemy number 1 in my mind.